Pasta Recipes Vegetarian Recipes

Roasted Garlic Pesto over Gnocchi

Our video today features Chef Brian P. McCarthy, author of the Vegan Family Cookbook, making a very simple basil pesto with roasted garlic. He serves it over gnocchi, plated with crusty bread and a salad. This video is brought to us from EveryDayDish Tv, which offers a wonderful bounty of plant based vegetarian and vegan recipes and videos. The written recipe may be found here. What we like best about this dish is that it can literally be prepared in less than 30 minutes, and roasted garlic gives a sweeter, less bitter flavor than raw garlic. Non vegetarians feel free to add Parmesan cheese!

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And, of course, a morsel of gnocchi trivia!  Gnocchi, an Italian dumpling,  translates to the word “knot” in Italian, and the word is derived from the stem word  nocchio, meaning “a knot in wood”. It’s composition differs drastically by ingredient, and while typically made from potatoes, it is also made with various flours (often semolina), and in some areas of Italy it is made with bread crumbs.

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