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Twitter Love!

Today I am taking a video break to share some Twitter love!  Heidi from Savory Tv is SavoryTv on Twitter.   Through Twitter, we’ve entertained ourselves endlessly, kept up on Lance Armstrong’s races, met both professional and home food lovers, authors, world travelers, chefs, food producers and more.  We’ve tweeted with Bravo’s Top Chef employees during the show.  We’ve been snail mailed gourmet orange juice samples from Italy.  We’ve been sent toddler food containers and fresh walnuts from the backyard of a deliciously talented cookbook author.   We’ve discovered an entire new world of wine and food bloggers and culinary epicures, almost to an overwhelming extent.  And recently, we’ve had the pleasure of meeting talented chef guest posters, which has been a wonderful experience.   Twitter  is truly the only way to keep up on media, news, and trends buy having your finger on the pulse of what’s happening now.

Have a question, ask you Twitter peeps!  Curious if a movie is worthwhile, looking for an Iphone app for ebooks, or wondering why your photo of pear compote is looking to dark on the edges?  Throw your question into the Twitterverse and you will almost always get helpful responses.

There are several restaurants using Twitter effectively, and while some are not exactly brewing with engagement, they will often post their nightly specials, special events, and occasional Twitter discounts. Food brands and stores such as Whole Foods will often answer your questions regarding products. Airline companies offer amazing flight specials at times and are often worth a follow.

Our simple Twitter rules?  Don’t spam, be helpful, share, engage.  Don’t go crazy with retweets, but RT messages occasionally that others will find interesting or helpful.   Choose a nice well rounded circle of people to interact with.

Is Twitter essential for the growth of a successful business?  No.  Are you missing out on endless opportunities if you do not partake?   Absolutely.

Cheers and happy tweeting!